
Mould Design Optical Design Mold flow analysis Thermal simulation Vibration simulation

Vibration simulation

Analysis purposes

1. By vibration simulation analysis, we can get the stress and the highest of stress speed of each part.

2. Then, unified computing with the fatigue life of the material, we can judge if the chosen material is qualified to the resistance requirements.

Analytical conditions

Vibration Frequency(Z) Power Density Spectrum
10 0.208
55 0.0677
180 0.0026
300 0.0026
360 0.00146
1000 0.00146

Material Parameters

No. Part Name Material Density Elasticity Modulus Tensile Strength Poisson's ratio
1 Lens PC 1200 2400 67 0.3
2 Reflector PC 1200 2400 67 0.3
3 Housing PP+TD20% 1040 1800 20 0.3

Modal Analysis


Analysis Result

Part Stress(MPa) Stress(MPa) Actual cycle number Damage Total damage
Lens 1σ(0.74) 1.64E24 5.32E7 3.24E-17 7.14E-13
2σ(1.48) 5.69E20 5.24E7 9.21E-14
3σ(2.22) 5.39E18 3.35E6 6.22E-13
Housing 1σ(0.62) 1.15E19 1.25E8 1.08E-11 2.09E-07
2σ(1.24) 4.01E15 5.05E7 1.25E-08
3σ(1.86) 3.79E13 7.93E6 2.08E-07
Reflector 1σ(1.84) 4.66E19 4.86E7 1.04E-12 2.13E-08
2σ(3.68) 1.61E16 2.11E6 1.30E-09
3σ(5.52) 1.52E14 3.06E6 1.99E-08

The total damage of reflector , housing , lens is less than 1, so the fatigue damage will not happen

Contact us

Tel:+ 86-576-84203933

Fax: +86-576-84203922


Add:No. 25, Chaoyuan Road, Xinqian Development, Huangyan, Taizhou, Zhejiang

Copyright (C) 2019 Taizhou Dianjing Mould Co., Ltd.
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